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  • Writer's picturejrothkop

Mana Preschool Fundraiser, South Africa

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

According to the World Bank, "”Investing in the early years is one of the smartest things a country can do. Early childhood experiences have a profound impact on brain development – affecting learning, health, behavior and ultimately, lifetime opportunities.”

However, as most parents have experienced, finding a spot in a preschool can be challenging. In 2021, The Last Kilometer hosted an online fundraiser for Mana Preschool in Milnerton, South Africa, just outside of Cape Town.

Mana Preschool's purpose is to provide exceptional preschool education to all learners: providing quality materials and teaching practices during their crucial formative years. The school was opened by the H18 Foundation and focuses on integrating suburban and underprivileged children in a learning environment focused on acceptance and inclusivity.

The Last Kilometer's fundraiser sent $5,800 to the school to fund operations and teacher salaries.

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